apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'eclipse' configurations { providedCompile // used to describe compile dependencies that should not be bundled into the .addon compile.extendsFrom providedCompile providedRuntime // used to describe runtime dependencies that should not be bundled into the .addon runtime.extendsFrom providedRuntime } final projName = rootProject.addon { inputs.files sourceSets.main.output into (projName+"/classes") { from sourceSets.main.output } into (projName+"/lib") { from configurations.compile + configurations.runtime - configurations.providedCompile - configurations.providedRuntime } } build jar.enabled = false def projRef = project rootProject.idea { project { projRef.afterEvaluate { jdkName = "${projRef.sourceCompatibility}" languageLevel = "${projRef.sourceCompatibility}" } ipr.withXml { def node = it.asNode() def mgrNode = node.component.find { it.'@name' == 'ArtifactManager' } if (!mgrNode) mgrNode = node.appendNode('component', [name: 'ArtifactManager']) def artifactName = 'Add-On '' exploded' def webNode = mgrNode?.artifact.find { it.'@name' == artifactName } if (webNode) mgrNode.remove(webNode) mgrNode.append(new XmlParser().parseText(""" ${pathFactory.relativePath('PROJECT_DIR', new File(getDeployLoc(),} """)) def artifactNode = mgrNode.artifact.find { it.'@name' == artifactName } def libNode = artifactNode.root.element.find { it.'@name' == 'lib' } def userHome = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")) idea.module.resolveDependencies().each { dep -> if (dep instanceof org.gradle.plugins.ide.idea.model.ModuleLibrary) { if (dep.scope == 'COMPILE' || dep.scope == 'RUNTIME') dep.classes.each { libNode.appendNode('element', [id: 'file-copy', path: pathFactory.resolvePath(userHome, '$USER_HOME$', it.file).relPath]) } } } } } } idea { module { += [configurations.providedCompile] += [configurations.providedRuntime] scopes.COMPILE.minus += [configurations.providedCompile] scopes.RUNTIME.minus += [configurations.providedRuntime] inheritOutputDirs = false outputDir = file("$buildDir/classes/main") testOutputDir = file("$buildDir/classes/test") } }