import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.publish.DefaultPublishArtifact import org.gradle.api.artifacts.PublishArtifact import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.ModuleDependencyFactory import org.gradle.api.internal.AsmBackedClassGenerator import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import javax.swing.* import java.awt.Dimension import groovy.beans.Bindable import java.util.regex.Pattern import java.util.Properties defaultTasks 'showGui' // these values are inserted into the manifest. They can be customized // by each sample as necessary createdBy = 'ALC Labs' group = 'com.alclabs' apply plugin: 'war' apply plugin: 'groovy' apply plugin: 'idea' apply plugin: 'eclipse' repositories { mavenCentral() } war { // lower-case'ify the war name to simplify usage in a web browser (which is case-sensitive) baseName = war.baseName.toLowerCase() // adjust the manifest. Use a doFirst so that any subprojects that want to // override these properties can do so. doFirst { manifest.attributes('Created-By': createdBy, 'Manifest-Version': version) } // include license in binary from 'LICENSE.txt' } // not intended to be used directly. This is the default task for the script. This allows // the user to "double-click" on 'gradlew' and have the GUI launch. task showGui(description: 'Starts a graphical user interface for the build') << { org.gradle.gradleplugin.userinterface.swing.standalone.BlockingApplication.launchAndBlock(); } // Helper method to get the installation root directory of the server. This method will either // return whatever is in the 'serverRootDir' property (if it's set) ... File getServerDir() { if (!hasProperty('serverRootDir')) { serverRootDir = null Properties props = new Properties() File optionsFile = new File('build.options') if (optionsFile.exists()) { optionsFile.withReader { props.load(it) } serverRootDir = props.getProperty('serverRootDir') } if (serverRootDir == null) { File dir = pickServerDir() if (dir == null) throw new Exception("""serverRootDir property (path to webctrl install directory) not set. Please set the serverRootDir property on the command line (-PserverRootDir=) or in the userHome/.gradle/ file.""") serverRootDir = dir.absolutePath.replaceAll('\\\\', '/') props.setProperty('serverRootDir', serverRootDir) optionsFile.withWriter {, null) } } } return new File(serverRootDir) } // Helper methods to get the directory in which to deploy webapps (add-ons). File getDeployLoc() { new File(getServerDir(), 'webserver/webapps/'+war.baseName) } // task that deletes the .war (and exploded dir) from the webserver task cleanDeploy(description: 'Deletes the war from the webserver', overwrite: true, type:Delete) cleanDeploy.doFirst { delete getDeployLoc() } // task that builds and deploys the .war to the webserver task deploy(description: 'Deploys the war to the webserver', type: Sync, dependsOn:war) deploy.doFirst { println "Deploying $war.baseName to ${getDeployLoc().canonicalPath}" from zipTree(war.archivePath) into getDeployLoc() } task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '0.9-rc-2' jarPath = 'wrapper' archiveBase = Wrapper.PathBase.GRADLE_USER_HOME } File pickServerDir() { def serverDir = null; def builder = new SwingBuilder() builder.registerBeanFactory('folderChooser', com.jidesoft.swing.FolderChooser) { frame(id: 'mainframe', title:'Pick Server Root Dir', defaultCloseOperation:JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE, size:[440,440], locationRelativeTo: null, show: true) { panel(border: emptyBorder(10)) { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.Y_AXIS panel { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.X_AXIS label text: 'In order to deploy the add-on to the server (and to run some tests), the build needs to know where the root directory of the server is located.' } rigidArea size: new Dimension(0, 10) panel { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.Y_AXIS panel { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.X_AXIS label text: 'Server root dir:' hglue() } rigidArea size: new Dimension(0, 5) panel { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.X_AXIS folderChooser id: 'driverDirChooser', currentDirectory: new File('.'), navigationFieldVisible: false, controlButtonsAreShown: false, availableButtons: 0, recentListVisible: false hglue() } } rigidArea size: new Dimension(0, 10) panel { boxLayout axis: BoxLayout.X_AXIS hglue() button text: 'Accept', actionPerformed: { serverDir = builder.driverDirChooser.selectedFolder dispose() } hglue() button text: 'Cancel', actionPerformed: { dispose() } hglue() } } } } // block until the gui is closed while (builder.mainframe.isVisible()) { Thread.sleep(100) } return serverDir } buildscript { repositories { mavenRepo urls: '' } dependencies { classpath group: 'com.jidesoft', name: 'jide-oss', version: '2.9.0' } }